Xepoleas, Lynda, M., “Subversive Beauty: Reassessing the Surreal in 1930s American Vogue,” Journal of Surrealism and the Americas, accepted.
Xepoleas, Lynda M. and Emily Hayflick, “Curating Costumes from Many Lands: Addressing the Colonial Gaze in University Dress Collections through Digital Fashion Curation,” Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, forthcoming.
Green, Denise N., Jenny Leigh Du Puis, Lynda May Xepoleas, Victoria Pietsch, Christ Hesselbein, Rachel Getman, “Curating Empowerment,” In B. Barry, & D. Christel (Eds.), Fashion Education: The Systemic Revolution (McGill-Queen’s University Press), forthcoming.
Green, Denise Nicole, Jenny Leigh Du Puis, Lynda May Xepoleas, Victoria Pietsch, Christ Hesselbein, Rachel Getman, Kate Greder, and Jessica Estrada, “Fashion Exhibitions as Scholarship: Evaluation Criteria for Peer Review,” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 39, no. 1 (January 2021): 71-86. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0887302X19888018
Xepoleas, Lynda M., “Fashioning Professionals: Identity and Representation at Work in Creative Industries,” The Journal of Dress History 4, no. 4 (2020): 130-132.
Xepoleas, Lynda M. and Denise N. Green, “‘Indian’ Lacemaking: Addressing the Appropriation and Exploitation of Indigenous Labor within American Fashion,” International Textile and Apparel Association’s Annual Conference, November 3-6, 2021.
*Recipient of the 2021 Intellect Books Research Award, ITAA
Xepoleas, Lynda M. and Denise N. Green, “‘Indispensable Treasures’: Reframing Indigenous Design as ‘American’ Fashion in Illustrated Lectures,” International Textile and Apparel Association’s Annual Conference, November 11-21, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.12222
*Recipient of the 2019 Robert C. Hillestad Fellowship in Historic Textiles or Costume, ITAA
Xepoleas, Lynda M. and Fatma Baytar, “Fabricating the Clothed Body in Museum Displays: An Exploration of Digital Mannequin-Making Techniques,” International Textile and Apparel Association’s Annual Conference, November 11-21, 2020.
Xepoleas, Lynda M., “Materializing Fashion Narratives: Situating Photographic Materialism in the Field of Fashion Studies,” Chicago Fashion Lyceum’s Inaugural Conference, Chicago, IL, October 5-8, 2020.
Xepoleas, Lynda M., “Establishing an American Fashion Discourse: Art Museums in Service of the New York Fashion Industry, 1936-1946,” Costume Society of America Annual Conference, New York, NY, June 1-7, 2020.
Xepoleas, Lynda M., “‘A New Source of Inspiration’: Ethnographic Study Collections in Service of American Fashion Design, 1916-1919,” College of Art Association’s Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, February 12-15, 2020.
Xepoleas, Lynda M. and Denise N. Green, “Reimagining Mid-Century American Fashion within Museum Photography,” International Textile and Apparel Association’s Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 25-29, 2019.
Xepoleas, Lynda M., “The ‘Man Ray School of Photography’: Surrealism and Fashion Photography,” International Society for the Study of Surrealism’s Inaugural Conference, Lewisburg, PA, November 1-4, 2018.
Xepoleas, Lynda M., “Man Ray, Fashion, and the Modernist Lens,” Costume Society of America Joint Mid-Atlantic/Southeastern Region Symposium, Shippensburg, PA, October 11-14, 2018.
Xepoleas, Lynda M., “Recapturing the Surreal in Fashion Photography of the 1930s,” Costume Society of America Annual Conference, Portland, ME, May 29-June 4, 2017.
*Recipient of 2017 Adele Filene Student Travel Award, CSA
Xepoleas, L.ynda M. “Collision: A New Approach to Upcycling Pre-Consumer Textile Waste.” International Textile and Apparel Association 2020 Design Exhibition – Graduate Level, November 11-21, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31274/itaa.12223
*Recipient of the 2020 ITAA Sustainability Award for Design Scholarship–Graduate Level